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Mother Phoenix (AKA Fenghuang Shui Xian)

Dancong Oolong

Regular price CFA29,300

Net Wt.



Type: Oolong Tea
Origin: Phoenix Village, Chaozhou, Guangdong province, China

The original tea varietal in Fenghuang Shan, Chao Zhou (AKA the Phoenix Mountains) was Shui Xian (水仙) AKA Water Sprite. Over time, tea farmers noticed that certain trees began to display certain characteristics – flavours and aromas of “Honey” and “Orchids”, while others were perhaps more floral, displaying characteristics of “Magnolia” or “Ginger Flowers.” The tea farmers would take cuttings from the best parts of these trees and cultivate them to hone in on these flavour and aroma characteristics and after a few generations, the different cultivars of Dancong Oolong tea such as Mi Lan Xiang (Honey Orchid) emerged – but it all stemmed from the Shui Xian varietal.

"SHAN YUN" (山韵)

The term Shan Yun (山韵) translates to “Mountain Charm.” Our interpretation of this is the “essence of the mountain captured within a tea.” It’s something that goes beyond surface level characteristics such as flavour notes, aftertaste and texture. It’s something more elusive. There’s a sense of depth, a certain quality, a feeling (if only for a moment) of being transported back to the tranquil surrounds of the Phoenix Mountains.


Gaiwan Gong-Fu style (preferred method)

Leaf weight 5g per 80 – 100ml of water
 93 — 95 degrees Celsius
 5 – 10 secs per infusion* (up to 10 infusions)

*First infusion is a quick 3 – 5 sec rinse and isn't drunk.


Oolong teapot Teapot steep

Leaf weight 5g per 300ml of water
Water temperature 93 – 95 degrees Celsius
Time 3mins

Cold brew Cold Brew

Leaf weight 5g per 500ml of water
Water temperature Cold water
Time 8hrs in the fridge



Proper tea storage is super important. Improper storage leads to flat, flavourless and potentially weird tasting tea. So as a rule of thumb, keep your tea leaves in an airtight container (the less air inside the better) and away from heat, light, moisture and strong odours.

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