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Product image 1Rising Dawn
Product image 2Rising Dawn
Product image 3Rising Dawn
Product image 4Rising Dawn
Product image 5Rising Dawn

Regular price 432.000₫

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Type: Southern Fujian Oolong Tea
Origin: Pinghe, Fujian province, China

Our Rising Dawn Oolong is made using the Bai Ya Qi Lan (白芽奇兰) varietal and is an Oolong tea from the Southern Fujian region. A ball rolled Oolong, similar to the famous "Iron Goddess" (Tie Guan Yin) tea, it is an Oolong tea with a gentler, softer flavour profile and a lingering floral aroma.


A soft floral fragrance and flavour notes of white lilac with subtle citrus hints. A medium bodied tea with a satisfying mouth-fill and a sweet aftertaste of sugarcane and lingering floral notes.


Gaiwan Gong-Fu style (preferred method)

Leaf weight 5g per 60 – 150ml of water
 95 degrees Celsius
 10 – 15secs per infusion* (up to 7 infusions)

*First infusion is a quick 3 – 5 sec rinse and isn't drunk.


Oolong teapot Teapot steep

Leaf weight 5g per 300ml of water
Water temperature 95 degrees Celsius
Time 3mins

Cold brew Cold Brew

Leaf weight 5g per 500ml of water
Water temperature Cold water
Time 10hrs in the fridge


Proper tea storage is super important. Improper storage leads to flat, flavourless and potentially weird tasting tea. So as a rule of thumb, keep your tea leaves in an airtight container (the less air inside the better) and away from heat, light, moisture and strong odours.

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